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Country Report
View in Mill. US$  
  Year :  
Country Wise Major Product Group Report
Qty in Mt.
Value in Rs. Lacs
Country: TAIWAN
Sr No.ProductQTY(2023-24)Value(2023-24)
1Processed Vegetables5,398.906,827.76
2Processed Fruits, Juices & Nuts3,417.984,345.41
3Prepared Animal Feeder1,787.873,622.91
4Miscellaneous Preparations3,122.982,961.82
6Fruits & Vegetables Seeds949.871,768.86
7Poultry Products216.701,303.03
9Fresh Grapes537.73736.29
10Albumin( Eggs & Milk)77.05720.35
Page of 4Record 1 to 10 of 33
Source: DGCIS Annual Export