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Country Profile - India's Position
  Year : 2022  
India's position as an importing country with respect to TUNISIA in 2022
Value in US $ Mill
Sr No.ProductTotal ExportsIndia's ImportShare %age
1Dates, fresh/dried(080410)
2Tomatoes, fresh/chilled(070200)
3Oil-cake and other solid residues; whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of oils, n.e.c. in heading no. 2306(230690)23.590.000.00
4Tomatoes, prepd./presvd. othw. than by vinegar/acetic acid, other than whol ...(200290)20.390.000.00
5Sauces & preps. therefor, n.e.s.; mixed condiments & mixed seasonings, n.e. ...(210390)15.660.000.00
6Tomatoes, prepd./presvd. othw. than by vinegar/acetic acid, whole/in pieces ...(200210)15.320.000.00
7Food preps., n.e.s.(210690)12.670.000.00
8Oranges, fresh/dried(080510)
9Globe artichokes- fruits(070991)7.590.000.00
10Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits & oth. bakers' wares n.e.s. in ch.19, whethe ...(190590)7.570.000.00
 Page Total446.124.00 
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Source : UN Comtrade