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Country Profile - India's Position
  Year : 2022  
India's position as an importing country with respect to DOMINICA in 2022
Value in US $ Mill
Sr No.ProductTotal ExportsIndia's ImportShare %age
1Pineapples, fresh/dried(080430)0.740.000.00
2Ground-nut, not roasted or otherwise cooked, whether or not shelled or broken-in shelled whether or not broken(120242)0.620.000.00
3Bananas, incl. plantains, fresh/dried(080300)0.530.000.00
4Uncooked pasta, not stuffed/othw. prepd., not cont. eggs(190219)0.430.000.00
5Sweet biscuits(190531)0.300.000.00
6Rolled/flaked grains of oats(110412)
7Guavas, Mangoes & Mangosteens, fresh/dried(080450)
8Arrowroot, salep, Jerusalem artichokes & sim. roots & tubers with high star ...(071490)
9Chocolate & oth. food preps. cont. cocoa (excl. of 1806.20-1806.32)(180690)
10Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits & oth. bakers' wares n.e.s. in ch.19, whethe ...(190590)
 Page Total3.930.00 
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Source : UN Comtrade