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Country Profile - India's Position
  Year : 2022  
India's position as an importing country with respect to BRUNEI in 2022
Value in US $ Mill
Sr No.ProductTotal ExportsIndia's ImportShare %age
1Dog or cat food; (not put up for retail sale), used in animal feeding(230990)
2Food preps., n.e.s.(210690)0.490.000.00
3Inactv yeast,othr sngl-cell dead micr-org(210220)0.440.000.00
4Melons (excl. watermelons), fresh(080719)
5Milk in powder/granules/oth. solid form, fat content by wt. not >1.5%(040210)
6Betel leaves(140490)
7Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits & oth. bakers' wares n.e.s. in Ch.19, whethe ...(190590)
8Malt extract; oth. food preps. of flour/groats/meal/starch/malt extact [see ...(190190)
9Sauces & preps. therefor, n.e.s.; mixed condiments & mixed seasonings, n.e. ...(210390)
10Soups & broths & preps. therefor(210410)
 Page Total2.930.00 
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Source : UN Comtrade