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Country Profile - India's Position
  Year : 2022  
India's position as an importing country with respect to SAUDI ARAB in 2022
Value in US $ Mill
Sr No.ProductTotal ExportsIndia's ImportShare %age
1Dates, fresh/dried(080410)283.9910.833.81
2Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits & oth. bakers' wares n.e.s. in Ch.19, whethe ...(190590)190.450.020.01
3Milk & cream, concentrated (excl. in powder), unsweetened(040291)
4Milk & cream, not concentrated/sweetened, fat content by wt. not >1%(040110)104.700.000.00
5Non-alcoholic beverages other than waters of 2202.10 (not incl. fruit/veg. ...(220299)96.560.090.09
6Uncooked pasta, not stuffed/othw. prepd., not cont. eggs(190219)94.760.000.00
7Processed cheese, not grated/powdered(040630)
8Mixtures of juices, unfermented & not cont. added spirit, whether or not co ...(200990)90.760.010.01
9Dog or cat food; (not put up for retail sale), used in animal feeding(230990)
10Buttermilk/curdled milk & cream/kephir & oth. fermented/acidified milk & cr ...(040390)
 Page Total1,314.8811.15 
Page of 29Record 1 to 10 of 283
Source : UN Comtrade