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Product(s) Exported From ZIMBABWE
  Year : 2022  
Product(s) Exported From ZIMBABWE
Quantity in MT
Value in Mill. US$
Sr No.ProductQTY(2022)Value(2022)
1 Oranges, fresh/dried (080510) 32,021.4130.69
2 OTHER CANE SUGAR: (170114) 25,804.0818.87
3 Cranberries, bilberries & oth. fruits of the genus vaccinium, fresh (081040) 3,464.5918.10
4 Avocados, fresh/dried (080440) 7,179.2711.80
5 Peas (Pisum sativum), shelled/unshelled, fresh/chilled (070810) 2,926.9910.48
6 OTHER (060319) 2,182.228.04
7 Sweet biscuits (190531) 4,628.765.43
8 Vegetables, fruit, nuts & oth. edible parts of plants (excl. cucumbers & gh ... (200190) 4,283.365.09
9 Maize (corn), seed (100510) 2,694.423.80
10 Malt, not roasted (110710) 3,935.002.46
 Page Total89,120.10114.76
Page of 13Record 1 to 10 of 121
Source: UN Comtrade