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Product(s) Exported From DOMINIC REP
  Year : 2022  
Product(s) Exported From DOMINIC REP
Quantity in MT
Value in Mill. US$
Sr No.ProductQTY(2022)Value(2022)
1 Bananas frsh or dried (080390) 304,851.84298.24
2 Cocoa beans, whole/broken, raw/roasted (180100) 63,072.75193.37
3 Rum & tafia (220840) 41,918.19155.34
4 OTHER CANE SUGAR: (170114) 246,133.63154.41
5 Avocados, fresh/dried (080440) 55,250.9498.98
6 Food preps., n.e.s. (210690) 27,522.9590.54
7 Guavas, Mangoes & Mangosteens, fresh/dried (080450) 32,769.4551.77
8 Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits & oth. bakers' wares n.e.s. in ch.19, whethe ... (190590) 7,846.8031.57
9 Fruits of the genera Capsicum/Pimenta, fresh/chilled (070960) 14,828.3128.62
10 Sauces & preps. therefor, n.e.s.; mixed condiments & mixed seasonings, n.e. ... (210390) 11,497.5125.00
 Page Total805,692.371,127.84
Page of 18Record 1 to 10 of 180
Source: UN Comtrade