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Product(s) Imported To COSTA RICA
  Year : 2022  
Product(s) Imported To COSTA RICA
Quantity in MT
Value in Mill. US $
Sr No.ProductQTY(2022)Value(2022)
1 Maize (corn), other than seed (100590) 832,389.00292.03
2 Food preps., n.e.s. (210690) 19,196.00148.93
3 Other wheat and meslin (100199) 209,327.0091.93
4 Rice in the husk (paddy/rough) (100610) 182,958.0074.89
5 Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits & oth. bakers' wares n.e.s. in ch.19, whethe ... (190590) 18,736.0060.54
6 Non-alcoholic beverages other than waters of 2202.10 (not incl. fruit/veg. ... (220299) 43,339.0059.88
7 Kidney beans, incl. white pea beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), dried, shelled, w ... (071333) 41,219.0054.30
8 Dog or cat food; (not put up for retail sale), used in animal feeding (230990) 26,401.0048.28
9 Potatoes, prepd./presvd. othw. than by vinegar/acetic acid, frozen, other t ... (200410) 32,171.0044.28
10 Meat of swine (excl. carcasses/half-carcasses/hams/shoulders & cuts thereof ), froxen (020329) 13,697.0042.82
 Page Total1,419,433.00917.88
Page of 33Record 1 to 10 of 327
Source: UN Comtrade