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Product(s) Imported To SYRIA
  Year : 2010  
Product(s) Imported To SYRIA
Quantity in MT
Value in Mill. US $
Sr No.ProductQTY(2010)Value(2010)
1 Cane sugar, raw, in solid form, not cont. added flavouring/colouring matter ... (170111) 808,747.00474.39
2 Maize (corn), other than seed (100590) 1,918,634.00420.41
3 Wheat other than durum wheat; meslin (100190) 1,078,249.00237.34
4 Semi-milled/wholly milled rice, whether or not polished/glazed (100630) 288,353.00211.70
5 Milk in powder/granules/oth. solid form, unsweetened, fat content by wt. >1 ... (040221) 19,511.00101.40
6 Bananas, incl. plantains, fresh/dried (080300) 232,316.0089.38
7 Husked (brown) rice (100620) 94,356.0075.46
8 Meat of bovine animals, frozen, boneless (020230) 11,590.0031.24
9 Vegetable seeds, of a kind used for sowing (120991) 168.0026.47
10 Chocolate & oth. food preps. cont. cocoa (excl. of 1806.20-1806.32) (180690) 4,081.0026.22
 Page Total4,456,005.001,694.01
Page of 23Record 1 to 10 of 230
Source: UN Comtrade