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Product(s) Imported To GEORGIA
  Year : 2022  
Product(s) Imported To GEORGIA
Quantity in MT
Value in Mill. US $
Sr No.ProductQTY(2022)Value(2022)
1 Cuts & edible offal of species gallus domesticus, frozen (020714) 52,998.0077.52
2 Wheat/meslin flour (110100) 181,707.0068.11
3 Other wheat and meslin (100199) 180,375.0063.37
4 Food preps., n.e.s. (210690) 9,059.0051.95
5 OTHER CANE SUGAR: (170114) 94,293.0050.69
6 Chocolate & oth. food preps. cont. cocoa (excl. of 1806.20-1806.32) (180690) 14,264.0047.73
7 Othr edbl mxr/prpns of anml/vegtbl fats/ oils/of fractns of diffrnt fats/oils (151790) 23,568.0043.35
8 Meat of swine (excl. carcasses/half-carcasses/hams/shoulders & cuts thereof ), froxen (020329) 15,542.0033.15
9 Butter (040510) 5,765.0032.89
10 Milk in powder/granules/oth. solid form, fat content by wt. not >1.5% (040210) 8,974.0029.31
 Page Total586,545.00498.07
Page of 36Record 1 to 10 of 357
Source: UN Comtrade