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Product(s) Imported To MACEDONIA
  Year : 2022  
Product(s) Imported To MACEDONIA
Quantity in MT
Value in Mill. US $
Sr No.ProductQTY(2022)Value(2022)
1 Food preps., n.e.s. (210690) 11,537.0066.83
2 Cuts & edible offal of species gallus domesticus, frozen (020714) 30,845.0052.87
3 Plantains: frsh or dried (080310) 46,835.0035.97
4 OTHER WHEAT AND MESLIN (100199) 90,570.0032.13
5 Meat of bovine animals, fresh/chilled (excl. of 0201.10), bone-in (020120) 6,451.0031.45
6 Cheese (excl. of 0406.10-0406.40) (040690) 4,682.0024.57
7 Meat of swine (excl. carcasses/half-carcasses/hams/shoulders & cuts thereof ), froxen (020329) 9,834.0024.55
8 Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits & oth. bakers' wares n.e.s. in Ch.19, whethe ... (190590) 8,738.0024.54
9 Wheat/meslin flour (110100) 47,500.0022.64
10 Non-alcoholic beverages other than waters of 2202.10 (not incl. fruit/veg. ... (220299) 34,238.0022.35
 Page Total291,230.00337.90
Page of 35Record 1 to 10 of 347
Source: UN Comtrade