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SPS Notification Issued For JORDAN
SPS - Sanitary or phytosanitary measure - Any measure applied:
To protect animal or plant life or health within the territory of the Member from risks arising from the entry, establishment or spread of pests, diseases, disease-carrying organisms or disease-causing organisms, risks arising from additives, contaminants, toxins or disease-causing organisms in foods, beverages or feedstuffs , risks arising from diseases carried by animals, plants or products thereof, or from the entry, establishment or spread of pests and to prevent or limit other damage within the territory of the Member from the entry, establishment or spread of pests.

Circulation DateNotifying MemberRegion/Country AffectedProduct CoveredKeywordsNotification
20 Feb 2020 Jordan All Trading Partners Live Poultry, poultry products including unprocessed... Animal diseases, Animal health, Avian Influenza, Food safety, Human health,...
17 Dec 2019 Jordan All trading partners Seedlings of fruit trees, ornamental plants, and plants... Pests, Plant health
15 Nov 2018 Jordan China Garlic (HS code:0703.20) Plant diseases, Plant health
27 Oct 2015 Jordan All trading partners Onions. Pests Plant health Pest or Disease free Regions Territory protection
10 Dec 2014 Jordan Netherlands HS Code(s): 0105 Live poultry and poultry products Animal diseases Animal health Avian Influenza Human health Pest or Disease free Regions Territory protection Zoonoses
10 Dec 2014 Jordan United Kingdom HS Code(s): 0105 Live poultry and poultry products Animal diseases Animal health Avian Influenza Human health Pest or Disease free Regions Territory protection Zoonoses
25 Nov 2014 Jordan Israel Mango and avocado Fruit fly Pests Plant health Territory protection
25 Nov 2014 Jordan Germany Live poultry (HS Code: 0105), and poultry product including poultry meat (HS Code: 0207). Animal diseases Animal health Avian Influenza Food safety Human health Pest or Disease free Regions Zoonoses
24 Oct 2014 Jordan All trading partners Apples Fruit fly Pests Plant health Territory protection
12 Dec 2013 Jordan All trading partners Plants (fruits and vegetables) and other plant products Food safety Human health Pests Plant health Territory protection
15 May 2013 Jordan Netherlands Live poultry and poultry meat Animal diseases Avian Influenza Food safety Human health Regionalization Zoonoses
03 Aug 2010 Jordan All trading partners Poultry and poultry products Animal diseases,Animal health,Adoption/publication/entry into force of reg.,Withdrawal of the measure Zoonoses,H1N1 influenza