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India to appeal WTO panel ruling on sugar sops, says no impact on extant policies.
Dec 15, 2021

India will file an appeal at the World Trade Organization (WTO) against a panel report issued by on Tuesday that has ruled in favour of Brazil, Australia and Guatemala in their dispute settlement complaints targeting India's domestic support for sugarcane producers and export subsidies for sugar.
India said that the ruling will not have any impact on any of the country’s existing and ongoing policy measures in the sugar sector. The commerce and industry ministry said that the findings of the panel are 'completely unacceptable' to India, unreasoned and not supported by the WTO rules.
Australia, Brazil and Guatemala had challenged some of India’s policy measures in the sugar sector at the WTO in 2019. They complained that domestic support provided by India to sugarcane producers was higher than the limits set by the WTO and that India provided prohibited export subsidies to its sugar mills.
'The panel issued its report on December 14, 2021 in which it has made certain erroneous findings about our schemes to support sugarcane producers and exports,' the ministry said, adding that
the findings of the panel are 'completely unacceptable to India'.

