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Algeria starts buying milling wheat in tender - traders.
Dec 16, 2021

Algeria’s state grains agency OAIC has started purchasing optional-origin milling wheat in an international tender, European traders said in initial assessments on Tuesday.
Initial estimates of purchase price were around $372 a tonne c&f for large-size panamax vessels to $376 a tonne c&f for smaller handymax vessels, traders said. More detailed assessments of prices are expected later.
Volume bought was unclear, but traders said several hundred thousand tonnes may have been purchased in initial stages.
Some initial estimates put the volume at 700,000 to 780,000 tonnes, but more precise estimates are also expected later.
Algeria does not release results of its tenders and reports are based on trade estimates.
The wheat is sought for shipment in 2022 in three periods from the main supply regions including Europe: Jan. 16-31, Feb. 1-15 and Feb. 16-28. If sourced from South America or Australia, shipment is one month earlier.

