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India, Tajikistan to expand connectivity, security & trade ties.
Dec 20, 2021

India and Central Asian strategic ally Tajikistan on Saturday decided to widen bilateral partnership in matters of security, connectivity, trade and capacity building to expand New Delhi’s presence in the periphery of Afghanistan.
Afghanistan situation also figured prominently when foreign minister S Jaishankar held wide-ranging discussions with his Tajik counterpart Sirojiddin Muhriddin here on the eve of third edition of India Central Asia Foreign Ministers level dialogue.
'Productive discussions with my friend, Tajik FM Sirojiddin Muhriddin. Exchanged views on expanding our bilateral cooperation in energy, connectivity, trade, security and capacity building. Valued his insights on regional developments. Signed agreements on diplomatic training and program of cooperation,' Jaishankar tweeted after their meeting.
This was the fourth meeting between Jaishankar and Muhriddin this year that included three visits to Dushanbe since April.
Tajikistan has strongly opposed Taliban rule and demanded inclusive regime in Kabul and is India’s key ally in Central Asia in the fight against cross-border terror and radicalisation. Tajikistan, a close Russian ally, hosts India’s lone military base abroad that played a significant role in backing Northern Alliance between 1996-2001 against Taliban rule.
According to the Tajik President Emomali Rahmon, ethnic Tajiks comprise over 46 percent of Afghanistan’s population.
Rahmon also posthumously awarded the prestigious Order of Ismoili Somoni to ethnic Tajik anti-Taliban leaders — Ahmad Shah Massoud and Afghanistan’s former president Burhanuddin Rabbani.
There are rumours that Tajikistan is also aiding the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan in Panjshir Province.
According to some reports, resistance leaders Ahmad Massoud junior and Afghanistan’s former vice president and self-proclaimed acting president Amrullah Saleh are currently in Tajikistan.
Tajikistan is also actively demonstrating its military preparedness. Rahmon personally visited the country’s border regions for the first time in several years, addressed the troops, and reviewed a military parade. Tajikistan is also active in Russia led CSTO that has been activated along Afghan border to deter cross border threats.
President Ram Nath Kovind paid a state visit to Tajikistan in October 2018. During the visit, he announced a grant of $20 million for Tajikistan for projects mutually agreed upon by the two sides. A total of eight MoUs/agreements were signed in the following areas– (i) Peaceful Use of Space Technology, (ii) Disaster Management, (iii) Renewable energy, (iv) Youth Affairs, (v) Agricultural Research and Education, (vi) Unani Medicine, (vii) Programme between Foreign Ministries for 2018-21, (viii) Cultural Exchange Programme for 2019-23.
Earlier Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Tajikistan from in July 2015. During the visit of prime minister, the two sides decided to step up cooperation in the spheres of defence, connectivity and in fight against terrorism. Modi again met Tajik President Emamoli Rahmon in 2016 on the side lines of SCO Summit in Tashkent and thereafter in June 2018 on the side lines of SCO Summit in Qingdao, China. Rahmon has paid six visits to India in 1995, 1999, 2001, 2006, 2012 and 2016 and is expected to visit India in January 2022 with four other Central Asian leaders for Republic Day celebrations.

