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Centre restricts import of moong beans.
Feb 14, 2022

The Centre has amended the import policy for moong beans, by moving it from ‘free’ to ‘restricted’ category with immediate effect.
A notification issued by the Department of Commerce, dated February 11, said the import policy for moong is revised from ‘Free’ to ‘Restricted’ with immediate effect.
Previously, the import of moong beans was allowed under the 'free' category subject to the bill of lading being issued by 31st March 2022 and customs clearance by 30th June 2022.
Impacted by the latest policy revision, the pulses trade has urged the Government to reconsider its decision and reinstate the free import policy.
In a statement, Bimal Kothari, Vice Chairman, India Pulses and Grains Association (IPGA) said, 'Based on the 'free' import policy, Indian market participants entered into binding contractual obligations for the import of moong from other countries into India. It was barely two months ago, as of 20th December 2021, that the Government of India allowed the 'free' import of moong, and has now changed that policy overnight. On behalf of all market players, we request the Government of India to reconsider the notification restricting import and reinstate the 'free' import policy.'
Further, Kothari said that frequent policy changes create immense financial hardship for Indian market participants, and uncertainty for international counterparts. Such changes are counterproductive for international trade and inconsistent with India’s 'Ease of Doing Business' objective.
'Consequently, we request the Government to provide reasonable advance notice to the market before introducing new policies that can hamper existing trade commitments. We are making representation to the Ministry of Commerce & Industry to withdraw this Notification, as Indian importers have contracted cargoes which are presently in transit to Indian ports. If these cargoes are not allowed to be imported, it will create immense financial hardship to Indian companies and chaos in the market,' Kothari added.
In its first advance estimates issued on Sept 21 last year, the Agriculture Ministry had pegged the moong output at 2.06 million tonnes, higher than the targeted 2.02 million tonnes and the previous year’s fourth advance estimate of 2.01 million tonnes. However, the trade was expecting a lower crop due the erratic rainfall pattern in states such as Rajasthan, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh among others.
In the ongoing rabi season, moong acreage is estimated at 5.13 lakh ha, lower than the normal area for the season of 9.4 lakh ha and previous year’s 7.03 lakh ha.

