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Iran, India Discuss Development Of Trade Relations.
Feb 22, 2022

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian and his Indian counterpart Subrahmanyam Jaishankar discussed the latest status of bilateral ties as well as regional and international issues of mutual interest.
Meeting on the fringes of the 58th security conference in Munich, the two top diplomats agreed on the enhancement of economic and trade cooperation between Tehran and New Delhi irrespective of the developments in Vienna.
The Iranian foreign minister touched upon the great potential which exists for the all-out promotion of Tehran-New Delhi relations, saying Iran stands ready to implement projects already agreed by the two countries.
Amirabdollahian said he was pleased to see his Indian counterpart’s health was improving, saying he was planning to visit New Delhi at the earliest opportunity, the Foreign Ministry’s website reported.
The top Iranian diplomat expressed hope good agreements will be reached during that trip for the further enhancement of bilateral ties and consultations will be held on common issues of mutual interest at the regional level.
The Indian foreign minister, in turn, said New Delhi was determined to forge closer cooperation with Tehran in oil, industrial, agricultural and trade domains.
The foreign minister underscored India was ready to open a credit line for economic and trade cooperation.
In the meeting, the two foreign ministers also traded views on the latest situation in Afghanistan and stressed the common and close stances of Iran and India regarding the necessity of the formation of a broad-based government in Afghanistan represented by all political groups in the country.

