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Growth in demand for sugar-free, organic & low-calorie confectionery products.
Feb 23, 2022

The rising prevalence of obesity among the population is boosting the demand for and consumption of low calorie confectionery products.
What are confectionery products?
In simple words, sugary and carbohydrate-rich foods are known as confectionery. Bakers' confections and sugar confections are the two major and somewhat overlapping types of confectionery.
Sweet pastries, cakes, and other baked delicacies are included in bakers' confectionery, often known as flour confections. Candies, candied nuts, chocolates, chewing gum, bubble gum, pastillage, and other sugar confections are examples of sugar confectionery. Chocolate confections (chocolate-based confections) and sugar-free variants of sugar confections are sometimes classified as independent categories.
Sugar confectionery, as the name implies, has a lot of sugar, and it can be any kind of sugar. Sucrose, invert sugars, and glucose syrups are the main ingredients in sugar confectionery. Sugar confections are divided into two categories: boiled sweets and fondant. Boiling sweets are ‘sugar and water boiled at such a high temperature (150–166 °C) that practically no water remains and a vitreous mass forms on cooling’, whereas fondant is ‘minute sugar crystals in a saturated sugar syrup; used as the creamy filling in chocolates and biscuits and for decorating cakes’.
Sweets that have been cooked Fruit drops, acid drops, barley sugars, hard gums, toffee, butterscotch, and caramel are among the products in the set of products. The sugar in fondants is in its crystalline form. Chocolate centres, fudge, marzipan, coconut paste, and chews are examples of products. The presence of glassy material is considered a flaw that causes hardness. Ripening is required on occasion.
Confectionery products are a vast group of high-calorie snacks that are popular among various population groups, particularly children. Confectionery, on the other hand, has low physiological value as a source of important nutrients. They are high in fat and carbohydrates, the majority of which is sucrose and starch, with very little protein.
The energy value ranges from 350 to 528 kcal and is mostly determined by the items used in the recipe (flour, egg, and milk products, various additives—nuts, soybeans, and others.) Excessive use of these products throws the dietary balance off in terms of nutrients and energy content. Confectionery has a big disadvantage in that it lacks vital biologically active ingredients such as vitamins, carotenoids, micronutrients, and macro elements.
A healthy choice, a healthier life
Over the last few years, there has been a considerable increase in concern over rising obesity rates and their associated health effects, such as diabetes. The prevalence of high-calorie fast foods and beverages, as well as confectionary products, is contributing to this increase in body weight, with consumers seeking both speed and convenience in their dining experience.
There has been a shift in the way people select products. Consumers are somewhat more likely to buy a low-sugar choice than a sugar-free alternative in every category. To reduce or maintain weight, people are opting for lower-sugar choices. People are making these decisions and choices because they are worried about diabetes and the harm it poses to their health.
Reducing added sugar necessitates reconsidering milk flavourings as even natural fruit flavours can contain sugar, and many popular tastes, such as chocolate and caramel, rely on sugar for their sweet taste.
What goes through customers' heads when they're looking for a sweet treat that's low in calories?
Consumer interest in low- and no-sugar foods is widespread, and awareness of the negative health effects of excessive sugar consumption is widespread and growing, particularly in emerging consumer markets. Despite the fact that customers' reported purchasing behaviour varies significantly by category, the popularity of low- and no-sugar options demonstrates that they still want to be able to enjoy sweet-tasting products.In short, they don’t want to compromise on the taste and are trying to find an alternative ingredient.
Starting with the ingredients, we also find a significant shift away from ordinary flour (maida), and toward whole wheat, multigrain, and enriched flours. Although Indians learned to bake from Europeans, who used all-purpose or plain flour, the time has come for Indians to bake with whole wheat flour, which is healthier and richer in nutrients for consumption.
Many major retail chains now offer food courts that include bakeries and cake stores. More luxury items with reduced fat, better appeal, and better taste, as well as more natural or organic ingredients such as multigrain, fresh fruits, chocolate, or milk, are preferred by shoppers. End-consumer food preferences are rapidly evolving in order to keep up with shifting demand.
The customer base must adapt their minds and taste buds to accept a healthier alternative. This means that changing the core ingredients, methods, techniques, and equipment will affect the service and marketing strategies.
Low-calorie sweeteners are sugary substances with no or very few calories. They aid in the management of blood glucose levels in diabetic individuals. They're also the main ingredient in any low-calorie sweet delight.
Many low-calorie sweet treat producers have started producing new low-calorie sweet treat variants with extra health advantages. The business is also focusing on providing nutritious items with reduced fat and calorie content. This may include more usage of honey and jaggery as an alternative to sugar. Likewise, many other ingredients.
The market for low-calorie sweet treats is expected to grow as consumers become more aware of the product's health benefits and as health conditions such as overweight, obesity, cholesterol, and heart disease become more prevalent. Increasing health awareness and demand for healthier food items are also important factors to consider as low-calorie sweet delights expand in popularity in the coming years.
