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1,000-acre increase planned in wine grape plantation.
Mar 15, 2022

The area under cultivation of wine grape varieties is expected to increase by another 1,000 acre due to an increase in the sale of wine across the country. Since the improvement in sale figures post the pandemic, the wineries are expecting 20% year-on-year growth in sales.
At present, close to 6,000 acre is under wine grape cultivation in Nashik district.
One of the Nashik-based wineries, the largest in the country, is planning to add 700 acre. It already has more than 3,000 acre under the plantation of wine grape varieties. Other small wineries are also adding 300 acre to the area under the plantation of wine grapes. The grape yield is approximately 8 tonne per acre.
Usually, annual wine sales amount to around 1.25 crore litre. However, the pandemic took a toll on sales in the past two years.
Sanjiv Paithankar, the secretary of the All-India Wine Producers’ Association (AIWPA), said the first and second waves badly affected the sales, but the situation has improved in the past few months. 'We are expecting 15-20% growth in the sales of grape wine in the domestic markets since the beginning of the current financial year. Considering 20% year-on-year growth in wine sales, the requirement of wine grapes is also expected to increase. Some wineries have already started planning the increase in area under plantation through contract farming,' said Paithankar.
The total area under grape plantation in the state is 3.5 lakh acre, including 1.75 lakh acre in Nashik district. Of this, wine grape cultivation is on 9,000 acre across Maharashtra, including 6,000 acre in the Nashik district. The rest of the plantations in the state and the district are of table grapes.
Of the 95 wineries in India, 77 are in Maharashtra, and 39 are in Nashik alone. Maharashtra accounts for almost 90% of India’s grape wine production, while Nashik contributes 80% of the total production.

