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FSSAI issues note on trans fats; urges cos to use trans fat free logo.
Mar 22, 2022

The FSSAI has issued a guidance note on elimination of trans-fatty acids to make stakeholders aware about the types, sources, impact on health and regulations related to it.
The note also asked the food manufacturers to get their products tested for trans fats and if the product was trans fat free (not more than 0.2g per 100g of food), use trans fat free logo on the product label.
The guidance note also details out the plans for elimination of trans fats from diets and supply chain in terms of suggestions for oil manufacturers, chefs, halwais, bakeries, food manufacturers, and consumers.
The guidance note says that adoption of newer technologies can help in eliminating industrial trans fats from fats/oils and several manufacturers have already switched to newer technologies for the same.
The note mentions technologies like ‘inter-esterfication, selection of raw material and binding options, monitoring and modifying hydrogenation process & deodorisation process’, as measures the FBOs can adopt to limit or eliminate the trans fats from the supply chain.
A detailed purchase strategy was also suggested in the note for the professionals.
The note seeks professionals like chefs and bakeries etc. to purchase only packaged oil with declared nutrition value for trans fats and prefer such fats/oil which are trans fat free or less than 2% trans fat content.
The professionals were also urged to ‘ask for a certificate of analysis from the manufacturers’, if possible.
Considering the health hazards associated with the consumption of industrially produced trans fats, the FSSAI has made a plan to eliminate it from the diet in a phased manner by 2022.
FSSAI has also notified the regulations to limit the industrial trans fatty acids to not more than 2% by January 2022 and this regulation has been extended to all the food products having edible oil, fat as ingredients.
The food authority has also recently issued a revised method for determination of trans fatty acids in hydrogenated vegetable oil and all food laboratories were required to ensure analysis based on the prescribed method.

