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Banana production to jump as three districts in Andhra Pradesh picked for development programme
Apr 12, 2022

Andhra Pradesh is expected to produce more bananas in the coming days as National Horticulture Board (NHB) has selected three districts, Anantapr, Kurnool and Kadapa of Rayalaseema region in the state, for the implementation of pilot project of Cluster Development Programme (CDP).
The ministry of agriculture and farmers welfare has identified 53 horticulture crop clusters in the country.
The project expects export of more than 75,000 MTs of banana from Anantapur cluster. Necessary steps have been taken at filed level for production of quality bananas and enhancing export infrastructure facilities in banana clusters.
NHB has approved additional funds for the project costing Rs. 269.95 crore as suggested by Andhra Pradesh. Of this, pre-production and production would get 116.5 crore, post-harvest management and value addition 74.75 crore, and logistics, marketing and branding 78.7 crore.
As the first instalment, the NHB will be providing 100 crore funding as its share of 40 per cent. Sixty per cent will be invested by the private implementing agencies. Recently, additional secretary, ministry of agriculture and farmers welfare, Dr Abhilaksh Likhi, along with commissioner of horticulture, SS Sreedhar,visited the banana cluster in Anantapur district and interacted with farmers.
They said the CDP will leverage the geographic specialisation of horticulture clusters to promote integrated and market-led development of pre-production, production, post-harvest, logistics, branding and marketing activities for making them globally competitive.
Apart from the support, the NHB is also making efforts to rope in some of the top corporate firms to collaborate with the local farmers to enhance the productivity, quality, post-harvest treatment, packing, market linkage and higher prices with a regular increase in income.
A total of 46,967 hectares (Kurnool 4670 ha, Kadapa 26,449 ha and Anantapur 15,848 ha) are under banana cultivation in the three districts. The CDP would focus on 17,000 hectares.
Most of the banana farmers grow karpura chakkerakeli, tella chakkerakeli, budida chakkerakeli, amruthapani, red-banana, sugandhalu (karpura), karpuravali (budida arti) and rasthalu varieties in the state.
