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Top Wheat Importer Approves Indian Wheat, India In Trade Talks With Other Nations.
Apr 20, 2022

Egypt, the world's top wheat importer, has approved India as a supplier to fill a significant void in the North African country's food stocks caused by the Ukraine conflict, officials said on Friday, a move that will open up a lucrative market for Indian farmers while also deepening agricultural ties between the two countries.
In the midst of a worldwide scarcity precipitated by the conflict, India has stepped up attempts to export wheat supplies from its huge domestic reserves.
India, the world's second-largest wheat producer, is in talks with 'a number of nations, including Egypt, Turkey, China, Bosnia, Sudan, Nigeria, Iran, and others' about starting wheat exports, according to an official who requested anonymity. New farm export potential are expected to boost India's export revenues, which are expected to reach a record $418 billion (Rs 31.4 lakh crore) in 2021-22. Analysts predict domestic grain prices to grow as a result of exports, resulting in greater prices for farmers.
Egypt authorised Indian wheat types after a visiting delegation from that nation travelled Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, and Maharashtra to assess quality, storage, and other export factors. Egypt has traditionally depended on inexpensive Ukrainian and Russian wheat imports to fulfil local need. Together, the two warring nations account for up to 30% of world wheat exports and roughly 80% of Egypt's imports.
