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Sourced by Pune exporter, mangoes from Maharashtra and Andhra for US President Biden.
May 19, 2022

The Indian Ambassador to the United States Taranjit Singh Sandhu will hand over a box of Indian mangoes to the staff of US President Joe Biden at a mango promotion event in Washington DC Thursday, the first after the resumption of the fruit’s export from India to the US following nearly two years of restriction owing to Covid-19.
These mangoes were sourced and packed by Pune-based exporters Rainbow International. Five varieties — Kesar, Alphonso and Goa Mankur from Maharashtra, and Hiimayat and Baiganpalli from Andhra Pradesh — were procured after the Indian Embassy contacted it for the fruits for this event, director of Rainbow International A C Bhasala told The Indian Express.
The mangoes, Bhasala said, were packed and sent to the US by air freight on Monday. 'It was collected by the embassy officials on Tuesday and was repacked. The box will be handed over (to President Biden’s staff) on Thursday,' he said.
Bhasala, one of the leading mango exporters in the country, said that his company had earlier sent mangoes to the White House on a personal level and that this would be the first time their produce would be part of an official delegation’s visit to the US.
This event is being held to popularise Indian mangoes in the US. The Indian ambassador to the US routinely hosts such events and invites prominent personalities in the diplomatic circuits or sends Indian produce such as mangoes to them. Such events are held in most countries by the Indian embassies or high commissions during the mango season.
Following a gap of nearly two years, mango exports to the US resumed this year after the Centre secured the approval of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for it. The export of Indian mangoes was restricted by the US in 2020 as USDA inspectors were unable to visit India for inspection of irradiation facilities due to restrictions imposed on international travel because of the coronavirus pandemic.
