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Virtual Buyer Seller Meet for Tezpur Litchi held.
May 24, 2022

Deputy Commissioner Deba Kumar Mishra on Thursday inaugurated a Virtual Buyer Seller Meet for Tezpur Litchi which was held at the conference hall of Tezpur University Guest House, organized by the Biswanath College of Agriculture, Assam Agriculture University, in joint association with Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Developmet (NABARD), office of the District Agriculture Officer, and Assam Agribusiness and Rural Transformation Project (APART) and Sonitpur district administration.
In his inaugural speech, Deputy Commissioner Deba Kumar Mishra welcomed all participants to the virtual meet and stressed the importance of providing a platform for interested buyers and sellers to interact so that both parties get an optimum price for the fruit which has seen a huge demand in both domestic and international markets in the last few years. He also appealed to the Farmers' Producers Organizations to focus on enhancing the production of the famous Tezpur Litchi to meet the demand for the fruit, which was conferred with the GI tag in 2015 for its unique taste and flavor.
District Agriculture Officer i/c Dilip Gayan assured litchi producers present of extending all possible help to chart out a proper plan for expanding crop plantation and production and appealed to the farmers to make judicious use of pesticide and take proper care and ensure that the quality of litchi is maintained every year.
Dr Pallab Kumar Sarma, Chief Scientist, AICRPDA and Coordinator, CBBO Local Office, Biswanath College of Agriculture, AAU, Coordinator, TEC, Tezpur University, Prof Manuj Kr Hazarika, other dignitarie, local Llitchi farmers and officials of the department of agriculture were present in today's meet which was organized primarily with the objective to find potential buyers of Tezpur Litchi.
The FPO, Agnigarh Producer Company Limited is supported by NABARD and promoted by Biswanath College of Agriculture under the Central Sector Scheme on Formation and Promotion of FPCs. The virtual meet was also attended by individual buyers, representatives of various export companies who have expressed interest in procuring Litchi for the coming harvesting season.
Officials present made presentations and sessions on Scope of Export, Industry Linkage and Value Addition, Quality of Litchi and Marketing, availability of litchi and harvest window, buyer-seller discussion were held during the latter half of the day.
