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India signs MoUs with Myanmar, other countries to increase pulses import.
Jul 19, 2022

In a bid to ease the supply-side pressure amid rising inflation, the government has decided to increase the import of Tur and Urad for the next five years. The Ministry of Commerce and Industry on Monday issued a notification stating that New Delhi will import Tur and Urad from Myanmar, Malawi and Mozambique.
According to the notification, India will import 2,50,000 MT of Urad and 1,00,000 MT of Tur of Myanmar origin through private trade over the next five financial years -- 2021-22 to 2025-26.
'Accordingly, 2,50,000 MT of Urad and 1,00,000 MT of Tur will be imported from Myanmar for each fiscal year during the period 2022-26,' it said.
From Malawai, as per the notification, India will import 50,000 MT of Tur over the next five financial years. From Mozambique, the government has decided to import 2,00,000 MT of Tur annually through private trade during 2022-26.
Import will be allowed through ports in Mumbai, Tuticorin, Chennai, Kolkata and Hazira in Gujarat, the Ministry said.
The decision to increase the import of pulses is aimed at keeping the prices under check and also to meet the rising demand.
Earlier on Monday, MoS for Finance Pankaj Chaudhary informed the Lok Sabha that the price situation of major essential commodities is monitored by the government on a regular basis and corrective action is taken from time to time.
Several supply-side measures like including the reduction in import duties and cess on pulses have been taken to address inflation and to ensure that people do not have to bear the extra financial burden, he said.
