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Liz Truss may help conclude India-UK FTA by Diwali: Piyush Goyal.
Sep 07, 2022

India is hopeful of early conclusion of the free trade agreement (FTA) with the United Kingdom with Liz Truss appointed as the new prime minister there, commerce and industry minister Piyush Goyal has said.
'With Liz Truss assuming prime ministership of the UK, we may now be able to make up for some lost time (to conclude the FTA negotiations),' Goyal said here.
The minister is visiting San Francisco and Los Angeles from September 5-10 to attend the India-US Strategic Partnership Forum conference and Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) Ministerial meeting. He said the trade agreement was launched one and a half years ago when Truss was the trade and investment minister of the UK, and that he is hopeful of concluding the deal by Diwali.
'She (Truss) came in the midst of Covid to kick start our discussions. So, she's very committed to the India relationship,' he added.
On the US, he said the administration, as a policy, is not looking at an FTA with any new partner. 'Should they change their mind, India would be happy and willing to discuss,' he said. 'Without that also, we are engaged in attracting investment, technology, trade between the two countries.'
India is also in talks with Canada and the EU. 'There are 27 countries (in the EU), so it will take longer...' Goyal said, adding talks with Canada on an early progress trade deal could conclude by December.
He addressed the US-India Strategic Partnership Forum, which was attended by close to 30 CEOs and venture capitalists, in San Francisco on Monday.
