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Uruguay exploring cooperation in Agriculture with India.
Sep 27, 2022

A delegation from Uruguay consisting of Mr. Marcos Martinez, Natural Resources of Agriculture Ministry, Uruguay and Mr.  Federico Condon, Genebank Manager, National Institute of Agricultural Research, Uruguay held discussions with the Indian delegation headed by Mr. Ashwani Kumar, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India to explore the possibility of cooperation between both countries in the field of agriculture.
Mr. Marcos Martinez said their country grows millet species like Sorghum and Finger millets and many minor native millets like Paspalum and Panicum millets. He said Uruguay has native grasses that grow naturally and is used for animal production. He said this native grassland is considered as native wealth of Uruguay and is raised naturally as feed for bovine and sheep. 
Mr. Marcos Martinez said they would like to explore the possibility of cooperation between two countries on germ plasm exchange, grain processing for human food and eventually also for breeding and any other research related to grain production. He said Uruguay is considered as leader in food production. Uruguay has 3.5 million people but produces food for more than 30 million people. The production of wool and leather is enormous and there is still high potential for export.
Mr. Ashwani Kumar thanked Mr. Marcos Martinez for informing the potential for export from Uruguay. He said India has also lot of agricultural products which can be exported to Uruguay. He said India produces many vegetables and fruits and exports Mango, Grapes, Pineapple, Pomegranate to many countries, including the US, Canada etc. India also exports vegetables and Basmati Rice to Europe and North America, which is worth Rs. 30,000 crores. He said ten types of millets and minor millets are grown in the country.  
He said Uruguay may send a letter expressing their interest for cooperation and move forward in a planned way. He said both countries can also chalk out a roadmap for mutual exchange in germ plasm and can benefit from expertise in their respective countries. 
Joint Working Groups (JWG) are in existence between India and the US, Canada, Australia, Europe Union and like that JWG can be formed between India and Uruguay, which can meet twice a year – once in India and once in Uruguay.
