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KABCO to be set up in a month, says Kerala Agriculture Minister.
Sep 28, 2022

Agriculture Minister P. Prasad has said that the Kerala Agro Business Company (KABCO) will be set up in the public-private partnership (PPP) mode in a month to market value-added products produced under Krishi Bhavans.
Inaugurating various projects at the Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS) under the Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) and the Agricultural College at Ambalavayal here on Tuesday, Mr. Prasad said each Krishi Bhavan had been directed to produce at least one value-added product to be marketed in the State and outside through KABCO.
The recently constituted Value-Added Agriculture Mission (VAAM) chaired by the Chief Minister would help make a transition in the agriculture sector, the Minister said. VAAM primarily aimed at doubling farmers’ income, he added.
Mr. Prasad said ‘Poopoli’, an international flower show and agri fest of the KAU, would resume next year. The 12-day programme will begin on January 1. It was not held in the last three years owing to the pandemic.
The Agriculture College in Wayanad will offer M.S.c in Agriculture from the next academic year. Those doing B.Sc. in Agriculture would work with Krishi Bhavans from the second semester to maintain close contact with the farming community, said the Minister.
Mr. Prasad inaugurated the newly constructed women’s hostel of the Agriculture College and a model honey processing unit of RARS. He also laid the foundation stone for the academic block of the college.
