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April-August Indian wheat exports double of last year’s.
Oct 20, 2022

In the first five months of this financial year — April to August — India exported double the quantity of wheat compared with the same period in 2021-22, official data show. This is in spite of a slowing of exports after the sudden ban announced by the government in mid-May.
India exported 43.50 lakh metric tonnes (lmt) of wheat during April-August 2022-23, which was 116.7 per cent more than the corresponding months last year, according to Department of Commerce data.
Exports were boosted by the Russian invasion of Ukraine in late February, which led to a major spike in demand for Indian wheat. Exports in April touched 14.71 lmt, more than 500 per cent higher that the 2.42 lmt exported in April last year. After the ban announced on May 13, exports for that month fell to 10.79 lmt, which, however, was still 164 per cent higher than the 4.08 lmt exported in May 2021.
Exports have fallen thereafter — 7.24 lmt in June, 4.94 lmt in July, and 5.80 lmt in August compared with 4.57 lmt, 3.75 lmt, and 5.22 lmt in June, July and August 2021 respectively.
India exported wheat to 44 countries in April — the most (3.35 lmt) to Bangladesh and the least to the United Kingdom (2,000 metric tonnes). The number of national export destinations fell to 31 in May (Bangladesh was again on top), and sharply thereafter following the ban.
India exported wheat to 11 countries in June 2022, only five countries in July (Indonesia, Bangladesh, Korea, the UAE, and Angola), and eight in August (Bangladesh, the UAE, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Malaysia, Taiwan, and Bhutan).
Indonesia emerged as the top buyer of Indian wheat in the months after the ban. Of the 18 lmt of wheat exports in this period, about 7 lmt went to Indonesia. In the five-month period from April to August, Indonesia has been the No. 2 export destination for Indian wheat after Bangladesh (8.06 lmt and 11.12 lmt respectively).
The export of atta (wheat or meslin flour) too has more than doubled in the first five months of the current financial year — 4.49 lmt compared with 1.64 lmt during April-August 2021. Somalia, the UAE, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, and Djibouti were the top 5 buyers of Indian flour during April-August 2022.
