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Market News
Export horti products: Indian mission heads tell Biren.
Oct 20, 2022

Six ambassadors/high commissioners of India to different nations on Tuesday suggested to the state government to export its horticulture products to different countries.
The Indian mission heads — ambassadors to Indonesia, Tunisia, Republic of Cote d’Ivoire, Romania, Ethiopia and high commissioner to Jamaica — are currently putting up in Imphal for their four-day visit to Manipur to study various development aspects.
They held interactions with senior state officials before visiting an organic outlet in Imphal East district. On learning Manipur’s high-value horticulture products, they proposed for exporting them to various countries to generate revenue.
On Monday, the ambassadors met chief minister N Biren Singh at his office and discussed a wide range of issues, including promotion of Manipur’s cultural heritage in Europe, Africa and other international fora.
