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Tamil Nadu will send 100 farmers to Israel for training: Minister.
Nov 25, 2022

Minister for Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare MRK Panneerselvam on Thursday said the State government is planning to send within a year 100 farmers to Israel to learning new farming techniques.
He said this at the two-day Indo-Israel conference on women empowerment in agriculture, organised at Centre of Excellence (COE) for cut flowers, in Thally.
The event was organised to mark 30 years of diplomatic relationship between India and Israel. Also, Israel has been supporting Indian farmers through various technologies like water conservation. 'Over 7,000 farmers from Tamil Nadu have undergone various training at COE since its inception in 2017,' the minister said.
Over 100 women horticulture officers from across the country took part in the conference, organised by TN department of horticulture - plantation crops, with the support of MASHAV - Israel in India, under Indo-Israel agricultural project. Four women experts from Israel will train the participants about new techniques of agriculture and innovation, among others.
Krishnagiri Collector Dr V Jaya Chandra Bhanu Reddy, Director of Horticulture and Plantation Crops R Brindha Devi and Consul General of Israel to South India, Tammy Ben Haim, were those who took part in the conference.
