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Paradip Port cargo handling up 16 per cent in April-December period
Jan 03, 2023

Paradip Port handled 96.81 million tonnes (mt) of cargo between April and December, up 15.5 per cent over the year-ago period, with nearly 12.6 mt being the throughput handled in December alone.
This was the highest monthly throughput handled, a statement said, adding that the port is poised to 'set an all-time record for cargo handling of more than 125 mt' in the current fiscal.
Thermal coal handling grew by 58.11 per cent year-on-year. At 30.56 mt, thermal coal accounted for nearly a third (31.56 per cent) of the total volume handled.
'Paradip Port is emerging as a coastal shipping hub and plans to ship thermal coal to power houses in Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana,' the statement said.
Petroleum, oil and lubricant (POL) products formed the second largest chunk of items handled at 27.59 mt or 28.49 per cent of the total.
Other items handled include coking coal (7.88 per cent of the total at 7.63 mt) and iron ore and pellets (constitute 11.76 per cent at 11.39 mt).
