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Call to focus on making India self-reliant in oilseed cultivation.
Jan 19, 2023

Mangala Rai, former secretary Department of Agricultural Research and Education and Director General of Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR) stressed the need for human resource development and technology development for boosting secondary agriculture.
He was speaking after inaugurating a five-day international conference on Vegetable Oils at PJTSAU University auditorium here on Tuesday. Welcoming the gathering, ADG (Oilseeds & Pulses), ICAR, Sanjeev Gupta recalled how technology mission on oilseeds has ushered yellow revolution in oilseeds and tripled the oilseed production in the country.
Member of Parliament and Chairman Karnataka Oilseeds Federation Annasaheb Shankar Jolle, Chairman of the NDDB Meenesh Shah, Vice Chancellor of Sri Konda Laxman Horticultural University Neeraja Prabhakar, Director of ICAR-Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research R.K. Mathur and managing director of Fare Labs Dwijendra Mathur participated in the programme.
Mr. Annasaheb Shankar Jolle called for development of short duration and high yielding oilseed varieties to make India Atma Nirbhar in oilseeds. Dr. Mathur pointed out that there is huge potential for micro edible oils from micro algae as a healthy alternative.
Mr. Meenesh Shah said production of quality oilseeds, effective extension, support from oil cooperatives and forward linkages in oilseeds are the major steps required for boosting the oilseed production. Ms. Neeraja Prabhakar reiterated that for a given area, oil palm yields more oil when compared to other oilseed crops. Research, trade and policy strategies will be deliberated and a road map will be prepared for increasing oilseed production in the country.
