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Gujarat govt set to announce policy to boost exports.
Apr 12, 2023

The Gujarat government has taken up an exercise to formulate a policy to boost exports from the state. The state policy, which will adopt features of the Union government's recently announced Foreign Trade Policy (FTP), will among other things, incentivize goods and products which have export potential.
A state-level export promotion authority will shortly be formed, whose functioning will be monitored by a high-level committee headed by the chief secretary. Similarly, export promotion committees will also be formed in each of the districts of Gujarat.
'An action plan will be prepared for boosting exports from the state. Each district also will have its own action plan for boosting exports. The potential for exports from each district will be worked out and the state government is considering appropriate incentivization for goods and products that have export potential,' state minister for industries, Balvantsinh Rajput said.
The minister added that the state government's policy will be modelled on lines of the Union government's trade promotion policy. 
'Incentives that the Union government has offered, along with the state government's incentives, will be provided to give a boost to exports,' Rajput said.
The FT of the Union government has laid stress on developing districts as export hubs by setting up district export promotion committees and drawing up district export action plans for every district. The Union government policy also has asked states and Union territories to set up state-level export promotion committees and ensure online monitoring of all district-level export action plans.
'This decentralized and focused approach will shift the focus on district-led export growth for self-sufficiency and self-reliance by providing global platform to products and services from districts,' says chapter 3 of the FTP, 2023, which envisages districts as export hubs.
The most exported goods from Gujarat include petroleum products, organic and inorganic chemicals, gems and jewellery, engineering goods and the like.
Under the 'Districts as Export Hubs Initiative' (DEH), products and services with export potential, including agricultural and industrial products, have been identified in all 33 districts of Gujarat, government sources said.
