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Israel Farming: The companies that revolutionized Israel's agriculture set foot in India, emphasizing on sustainable agriculture.
Jun 21, 2023

Israel is known as a very small country. This country has done the work of creating a great example by revolutionizing agriculture in the world. Innovation in agriculture is nothing new in Israel. Meanwhile, Israel is now all set to revolutionize agriculture in India. Companies such as ICL Group, Netafim and BioBee are experimenting with different changes in agriculture in India.
ICL is one of the world's leading fertilizer companies. The company claims that if these fertilizers are given to the crops, they get a lot of nutrients. This nutrient boosts crop performance and increases crop yield and is of great use for sustainable agriculture.
ICL's eqo.x biodegradable fertilizer technology is a milestone in the evolution of agriculture. This fertilizer can be used to produce a large amount in agriculture without degrading the environment. eqo.x calls for a transformation in agriculture without environmental degradation.
eqo.x builds nutrients in the soil with sustainable agriculture and has a long-term impact with biodegradable release technology. They say that only one Eqo.x contains all the ingredients used to produce more in less agriculture. ICL is working to stop wrong dosages through bulk fertilisers.
ICL's big move in India
ICL is also building its presence in India with the launch of ICL Leaf. They aim to provide nutrients for efficient and profitable crops. Along with this, ICL Leaf is currently helping Indian farmers grow several crops including grapes, cotton, bananas, tomatoes and pomegranates. It is known that other crops are also using it.
Netafim's major contribution to irrigation technology
Netafim, known worldwide for drip irrigation, has made a big move in India. Netafim develops sustainable solutions to make agriculture more efficient and less damaging to our environment.
Their smart irrigation technology is a game-changer, enabling farmers to use water and nutrients more efficiently, increasing crop yields while reducing environmental impact.
BioBee-Pest Management
At present, if any crop is to have a high yield, it is first hit by pesticides. Different drugs are used to control these pesticides. Meanwhile, Israel has made a big revolution in this.
BIO-BEE is working to control pesticides through this company. Bio Bee is currently gaining ground in India. The feature of this is that it does not cause any environmental damage, the company says.
Currently, Israeli companies like ICL, Netafim and BioBee have made a big move in India. The crisis in agriculture worries us about the future, but Israel's agricultural progress is reawakening optimism.
