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Consumer awareness of millets and its health benefits are high, says survey.
Jul 04, 2023

The consumer awareness about millets is relatively high with 87.3 per cent of those surveyed having heard about them, a survey conducted by Wholsum Foods that owns millet-based food brands such as Slurrp Farm and Mille, said.
The survey, conducted among 550 consumers across the country to understand their awareness and willingness to include millet in their everyday life, saw the highest participation by millennials (58.9 per cent), while 54.5 per cent of overall respondents were females.
Among those aware of millets, a significant portion (74.6 per cent) became familiar with them during their childhood, suggesting the influence of early exposure to millets as a staple food, while more recent awareness has been primarily driven by news and Government advertisements. About 83.5 per cent of respondents have tried millets, indicating a relatively high adoption rate, while 38.8 per cent used millet as a rice supplement, showcasing its potential as an alternative to traditional rice.
Taste plays a key role in millet adoption, the survey said with 31.3 per cent of respondents expressing a willingness to include millets in their diet if they taste better, while pricing remains a significant factor with 22.9 per cent of respondents looking at affordability. As awareness about millets continues to grow, factors such as taste and affordability have emerged as significant considerations hindering millet adoption.
Healthy diet
The survey revealed that 40.9 per cent of the respondents already follow or are in the process of switching to a healthier diet, while 34.2 per cent were still considering adopting a healthier lifestyle, suggesting an opportunity for promoting healthier eating habits. Top reasons for switching to a healthier diet were wanting a better lifestyle (38.5 per cent) and improving the weight loss journey (35.3 per cent).
Further, the survey pointed out that 59 per cent of millennials and a significant 41 per cent of Gen Z individuals are motivated to follow or switch to a healthier diet to maintain a better lifestyle. Additionally, 69.01 per cent of millennial respondents are driven by their weight loss goal, while only 30.98 per cent of the Gen Z respondents prioritise weight management as their reason for adopting a healthier diet.
The survey further revealed that 73.1 per cent of respondents are endeavouring to incorporate more fibre into their diet. This aligns with the growing awareness of the health benefits associated with a high-fibre diet. Furthermore, 58 per cent of respondents expressed a desire for nutrient-rich food, while 52.2 per cent emphasised the importance of increasing protein intake.
The survey indicates a clear shift towards plant-based protein sources as 54.5 per cent of respondents opted for vegetarian options. Additionally, 44.4 per cent of respondents mentioned including more lentils, which are a nutritious plant-based protein source. In contrast, only 26.7 per cent of respondents preferred animal-based protein sources/meat.
