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FSSAI to meet international food regulators.
Jul 12, 2023

In a first, the Food Safety Standard Authority of India (FSSAI) under the aegis of the union health ministry will hold a meeting with the global food regulators including G20 countries on 20-21 July.
The plan is to strengthen food safety system and regulatory framework across the global food value chain.
According to the India’s apex food regulator, the country’s food safety and regulatory system needs constant evolving to counter the emerging food hazards, pandemic scenarios and implement new technologies.
As per WHO, food safety is a major determinant of health. It affects the survival, well-being, livelihood and productivity of individuals and eventually societies. One in 10 people worldwide fall ill from eating contaminated food each year.
Unsafe food costs low- and middle- income countries $110 billion each year in productivity and medical expenses.
'We are seeking participation of food regulators from around 60 countries including G20 member countries. This is an opportunity to create an exchange of information on food products regulatory and safety requirements and to enable a common dialogue on food safety, food standards, risk assessment, analytical competence, labelling. Beside this, it will enable the food value chain stakeholders such as government, food manufacturers, processors, exporters and importers to understand food safety and regulatory framework in other countries,' said the official aware of the matter.
There will be a signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the countries such as Netherlands, Australia, Morocco on food safety measures.
According to the Food Service and Restaurant Business Report 2022-23, India’s food service market is expected to reach $79.65 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 11.19% from $41.1 billion in 2022.
'The summit will help us to understand current and emerging challenges and define a way forward to ensure effective implementation of food safety, quality and regulatory norms. Different government departments and ministries like ministry of commerce, agriculture, food processing, CDCSO, ICMR are likely to participate,' said the official.
The plan is also to launch first ever common digital platform—Food-o-Copoeia—an online guide prepared by any food authority in the world to captures all requirements related to quality, safety, labelling, claims, documents, regulations, prohibitions etc. for a specific food product.
