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Exports of oilseeds to rise 10-15% as traders getting good orders.
Jul 19, 2023

Traders associated with oilseed export business said that oilseed exporters are currently getting good orders from South East Asia, Latin America and Africa and the export of oilseeds is expected to increase by 10 to 15 per cent in the current financial year.
Oilseeds exports have increased by more than 20 per cent to $1.33 billion (Rs 10,900 crore) in the financial year 2022-23.
Shankar Thakkar, national president of the All India Edible Oil Traders Federation and general secretary of the Confederation of All India Traders (CAT), said 'Mainly groundnut, sesame, soyabean, Raida and sunflower seeds are exported. Also the area under oilseeds cultivation increased this year. This will increase production and with the increase in production, exports will also increase.'
At the national level, the share of Madhya Pradesh in the total cultivated area of oilseeds is 34.64 per cent. Maharashtra has 22 per cent, Gujarat 13.53 per cent, Rajasthan 11.43 per cent, Karnataka 5.04 per cent, Andhra Pradesh 5.02 per cent, Uttar Pradesh 2.66 per cent, Telangana 1.74 per cent and Tamil Nadu 1.21 per cent while India exports oilseeds to Indonesia, Vietnam, China, Malaysia, the Philippines and European Union wherein groundnut and sesame account for 80 to 85 per cent of the total exports of oilseeds.
Shankar Thakkar said that on the one hand, the government is importing substandard oilseeds and edible oils on a large scale and, on the other hand, it is getting the nutritious and healthy oilseeds produced in the country exported abroad, which should be stopped.
