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Kenya set to export avocados to India.
Aug 25, 2023

In a major milestone that will boost export trade between the two countries, Kenya has secured market for fresh avocado market in India. This development comes after the Indian government approved the export of the fresh produce beginning this September when the first shipment are expected to commence in a move that farmers welcomed with batted breath.
Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS) Managing Director Theophilus Mutui confirmed that the government of India last week approved Kenya’s request to export avocados: 'The India Government allowed Kenya avocado market access after notifying the world trade organization (WTO) about the same. We are happy as export destinations continue to increase and thus help our farmers to grow more avocados.'
Kenya and India have been carrying out negotiation talks for the last five years and this therefore is good news for Kenya, which has already been exporting the fruits to China. In the next two weeks, exports will commence.
