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Brazilian delegation meets Maha Agriculture Minister.
Sep 27, 2023

A delegation of senior officials from Brazil on Tuesday met Maharashtra Agriculture Minister Dhananjay Munde here and held discussions with him on agriculture, agricultural trade and investment.
The members of delegation included Secretary of the Brazilian Embassy and Head of the Department of Trade & Investment Wegner, Ambassador of Brazil in India Kenneth Nobrega, Consul General Joao Mendona, Angelo Quiroz of the Department of Agriculture and other officials.
In the meeting, there were discussions on ways to maximise production of soybean in low rainfall, experiments on climate change and in agriculture, its research, more production of sugarcane in less water and reduction of import duty on currants in view of huge demand in Brazil, the study of all things that are useful to farmers due to mechanisation with Brazil.
There was also discussion on sending researchers of the University of Agriculture to Brazil on behalf of the Government of Maharashtra.
Munde informed the visiting delegation about traditional agricultural practices in Maharashtra and the new experiments being done in it and also gave information about the investment opportunities in agricultural sector in the state.
The delegation invited Munde to Brazil in November. Apart from this, he has been invited to attend an event in Delhi as well.
