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Assam to Host Conclaves on Agriculture Value Chain Financing.
Oct 12, 2023

A series of Value-Chain Financing Conclaves is set to kick off in Assam from October 12 to November 2, with the ambitious goal of bringing about a transformation in the agricultural sector.
This innovative initiative, known as the Agri Value-Chain Financing Conclave, aims to bridge the knowledge gap and introduce effective financing tools to ensure seamless financial services in agriculture.
Organized by the Assam Rural Infrastructure and Agricultural Services Society (ARIAS) as part of the state-run Assam Agribusiness and Rural Transformation Project, these conclaves will be conducted in four key zones: Silchar, Jorhat, Morigaon, and Lakhimpur. The target audience includes farmers, farmer interest groups (FIGs), farmer producer companies (FPCs), self-help groups (SHGs), and traders hailing from 12 different districts of Assam.
The primary objectives of these conclaves are to promote value-chain financing models that benefit various stakeholders within the agricultural ecosystem.
This event will also serve as a platform for collaboration and knowledge exchange among participants from diverse sectors. Innovative financial products, digital financial literacy, financial inclusion, Kisan credit cards, and funding for agricultural infrastructure projects will be showcased to enhance access to agricultural finance for all involved in the value chain.
These conclaves are not just limited to district officials; they will also feature representatives from institutions such as the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) and other financial entities. Currently, despite a high demand for credit and financial services, there exists a significant knowledge gap and a dearth of suitable financial instruments, which have hindered the widespread provision of these services. Financial institutions often grapple with managing risks and costs associated with agricultural financing, resulting in a substantial gap in meeting the financing needs of the agricultural sector.
The Agri Value-Chain Financing Conclave seeks to address these challenges and usher in a new era of financial empowerment for the agricultural community in Assam.
