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Waterways to help UP become export hub.
Nov 13, 2023

The Uttar Pradesh Interstate Waterways Bill-2023 was approved by the state cabinet on Thursday, paving the way for the formation of a body that will regulate and monitor tourism and transport through the state's rivers.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath announced that the bill will now be sent to the Assembly, after which it will become an act.
Sources indicated that it was likely to be tabled in the upcoming Winter Session, which is due to start on November 28.
'Ganga, Yamuna and other rivers in UP account for 11 national waterways. It has been decided to constitute this authority for promotion and regulation of water transport and tourism,' said an official.
The CM will appoint a head of the authority which could either be a specialist in waterways, shipping, maritime etc or the minister of transport. The vice chairperson, to be appointed by the state government, will also be an expert. 
Additional chief secretaries and principal secretaries of departments like finance, public works, tourism, transport, culture, forest and environment, and irrigation will be its members.
'It was said about UP that it is a land locked state. Those countries which have waterways have progressed. Even within the country, those states were progressing which had waterways, as it provided export facilities. We are all grateful to Prime Minister Narendra Modi who started the country's first inland waterway between Varanasi and Haldia. The Inland Waterway Authority will help in promoting water transport in UP. It will also promote water sports, increase tourism facilities and help in developing UP as an export hub,' the CM said. He added that Ayodhya was very important from this point of view of a waterway because, as it is reported that 2,000 years ago princess of Ayodhya had gone to South Korea by the water route to marry the prince.
'Similar facilities can be developed in all the rivers like Ganga, Yamuna, Saryu, Rapti and Gomti. Therefore, this authority will work together with the Government of India and facilities will be developed to supply UP's traditional products to the world market,' Yogi said.
