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Procurement of millets to be raised 3-fold in current FY.
Nov 14, 2023

The government plans to increase the procurement of millets threefold to 2 million tonnes in this financial year, from 0.73 in 2022-23, to replace some quantities of wheat and rice from the public distribution system (PDS), said a senior official.
The purchase at the minimum support price will give a boost to the cultivation of coarse grains which are eco-friendly, climate resistant and powerhouse of nutrients, the official said, adding that the strategy will play a significant role in crop diversification and enhancing nutrition in dietary patterns.
The government also plans to procure six minor millets, such as kodo, kudki and kangni, in several states at the minimum support price of another pricier millet, ragi, to encourage cultivation of the minor millets.
'Procurement targets have been set for every state and, depending on the actual procurement, distribution through PDS will also be carried out,' said the official, who did not wish to be identified.
For increasing the procurement and consumption of millets, the government has revised the distribution period of millets, incorporated inter-state transportation of millets, added provision of advanced subsidy and also revised guidelines for facilitating procurement of six minor millets.
Despite the government's focus on increasing cultivation and consumption of millets, its procurement target of 1.3 million tonnes in 2022-23 could not be met.
