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76 incubation centres okayed at Rs 205.95 cr under PMFME, Parliament told.
Dec 21, 2023

The Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI) has told Parliament that it has approved 76 Incubation Centres with an outlay of Rs. 205.95 crore in 25 States/UTs under the Pradhan Mantri Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprises (PMFME) Scheme until December 2023.
MoFPI informed that out of these 76, 4 Incubation Centres have been commissioned.
Further, the ministry stated that till date, 54,767 beneficiaries including individuals and enterprises,526 Master Trainer, 1058 District Level Trainers and 1941 District Resource Persons have participated in capacity building programmes.
Also, under Branding and Marketing component of PMFME Scheme, support was provided to FPOs (Farmer Producer Organisations)/ Self-Help Groups (SHGs) / Cooperatives or Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) of micro food processing enterprises for Market Study and Product Standardisation, Packaging Material, Quality Control and food safety adherence for consumer retail sales, Warehousing and Storage Rentals, Marketing, and Promotion.
