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APEDA invites bids to conduct study of Indian organic market.
Jan 19, 2024

The Agriculture and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) has invited bids to conduct a study on the Indian organic market and to formulate an export promotion strategy. The idea is to explore and utilise avenues for promotion and branding of Indian organic products.
The scope of the study “Indian Organic Market and Export Promotion Strategy” includes estimation of the market size, assessment of demand, capturing trends and extrapolating the market size for the upcoming 10 years and benchmarking it to global growth estimates among others.
The study will also capture the trends in organic exports in the past five years, major market destinations and composition of exports, policy environment, best practices and organic promotion initiatives of major exporters such as the US, EU, UK and Canada.
The exports of India’s organic products stood at $708 million in 2022-23 and considering the global market size of around $138 billion, APEDA sees a tremendous scope to significantly increase the organic exports in the near term, the apex agri export promotion body said in the tender document.
The shift in global consumption patterns towards healthier, safer, sustainable and nutritious food has propelled organic products into the limelight. APEDA believes that the surge in demand presents a golden opportunity for India, to meet the growing global demand for organic products and to tap into the global organic food market.
APEDA, which is taking steps to promote exports of organic products, is also the secretariat for National Programme for Organic Production, specifying the accreditation and certification programmes for organic production.
The organic certification programme covers all agricultural commodities including non-APEDA scheduled products and over 10 lakh farmers are registered under the programme.
