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Punjab Agricultural University introduces new potato varieties in India.
Jan 25, 2024

The Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) has broadened its research scope to include genetic enhancement of potato crops, unveiling two new varieties: Punjab Potato 101 and Punjab Potato 102. PAU's Vice-Chancellor, Dr Satbir Singh Gosal, anticipates these new varieties will greatly benefit the state's potato farmers through improved yields and increased income.
As the primary disease-free seed producer, supplying 90% of India's total disease-free seed potato demand, the institution underscores the potato's crucial role as a cash crop. This not only boosts farm income, but also creates employment and ensures food security within the state.
Dr Ajmer Singh Dhatt, Director of Research at PAU, provided insights into the university's innovative potato breeding program initiated in 2016. After years of dedicated research, Dr Sat Pal Sharma and his team achieved a significant breakthrough in 2023, introducing the high-yield potato varieties Punjab Potato 101 and Punjab Potato 102, characterized by their white and light yellow flesh, respectively. These varieties are ideal for main-season cultivation, according to Dr Dhatt.
