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Market News
Washington's apple exports succesful again, following India's lifting of tariff.
Feb 28, 2024

The Washington state apple industry faced a significant setback when India imposed a 20% tariff in retaliation to US tariffs on steel and aluminum. This move effectively closed off what was the second-largest market for Washington apples in 2018, where the state contributed 53% of India's apple imports, plummeting to a mere 1% after the tariff imposition.
However, the landscape shifted dramatically on September 6, with the removal of these tariffs, sparking a resurgence in apple exports from Washington to India. 'On that day, shipments to India started in great value and volume. So far, we've shipped 1.3 million cartons of apples to India,' Todd Fryhover, President of the Washington Apple Commission, revealed. The lifting of tariffs is not just a win for apple exports but also heralds significant economic benefits.
'Apple exports in 2022 were valued at more than $250 million, and now, with India's apple tariffs lifted, that number will only grow,' Kristin Ang, NWSA Co-Chair and Port of Tacoma Commission President, stated, underscoring the optimistic outlook for Washington's apple industry.
