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India, New Zealand can enhance ties in dairy, agriculture: Minister.
Oct 07, 2022

New Zealand is looking at enhancing trade ties with India and boosting collaborations in dairy and agricultural sectors.
The trade minister was in India with a 20-member delegation that included businessmen from various sectors. They had meetings with businessmen in India to look at possible partnerships. The bilateral trade between India and New Zealand stood at $2.64 billion before the outbreak of the pandemic.
'There is further scope of expansion in technological know-how, education and tourism,’’ the country’s trade minister, Damien O’Connor, told The New Indian Express.
'The major sectors that we can collaborate on are dairy, agriculture and animal husbandry. In the diary sector, for instance, we can provide technological know-how on the traceability of animals. India has the largest cattle population and this will help farmers keep a tab as well as in track diseases,’’ O’Connor said.
New Zealand is looking at free and independent trade in the Indo-Pacific, and India is one country they would like to enhance their partnership with. 'We would be happy to see an improved connectivity between our two countries. Direct flights will help in tourism too,’’ the minister added.New Zealand is also looking at partnering with Indian farmers for providing support in growing fruits like kiwi. They are also hoping that during the off-season, import of kiwi fruit from New Zealand is given tariff reductions. 
Meanwhile, External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar will visit New Zealand and meet Prime Minster Jacinda Ardern on Thursday. 'A postage stamp will be released commemorating and showcasing Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav in New Zealand. He will also launch the book, Modi @20: Dreams meet Delivery. Another book showcasing PM Modi’s bond with the Sikh community, titled Heartfelt –The Legacy of Faith, will also be released,” according to the Ministry of External Affairs.
In Auckland, Jaishankar will have bilateral meetings with his counterpart Nanaia Mahuta to discuss bilateral relations. He will also interact with Priyanca Radhakrishnan, the Minister of Community and Voluntary Sector, Diversity, Inclusion and Ethnic Communities, and Youth. She happens to be the first person of Indian origin to become a minister in New Zealand.
