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APEDA boosts export of local fruit Hatkora of Mizoram to UK and Bangladesh.
Dec 09, 2022

After the Workshop-cum-Buyer Seller Meet (BSM) organised by the APEDA, a consignment of Hatkora (local variety of citrus) sourced from farmers of Mamit district of Mizoram was exported to London and another consignment of Hatkora is being exported to Bangladesh.
As a part of its strategy to give a boost to the export of organic agricultural products of Mizoram and North Eastern Region (NER), Centre through  APEDA hosted BSM at Mizoram University in Aizawl.
It was organized to promote the exports of the potential agri-horti products from Mizoram and provide market linkage to farmers, Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs), Farmer Producer Companies from the north-eastern state.
The potential crops for the export from Mizoram are pineapple, hatkora (citrus), dragon fruit, oranges, passion fruit, squash, anthurium flower, Mizo Ginger, Mizo chilli and grape wine.
Seventeen exporters and 58 FPOs participated in the BSM while 14 exhibitors representing the state government, coffee board, spices board, NABARD and NERAMAC attended the meet.
The exclusive BSM provided an opportunity to the producers and processors of Mizoram to showcase their products and promote the exports as well as their wholesale and retail sales.
The workshop-cum-buyer seller meet was inaugurated by Agriculture Minister Pu C Lalrinsanga of Mizoram. 
NE region witnessed an 85.34 percent growth in the export of agricultural products in the last six years as it increased from USD 2.52 million in 2016-17 to USD 17.2 million in 2021-22. 
The major destination of export has been Bangladesh, Bhutan, the Middle East, the UK and Europe.
