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MoFPI okays 57 proposals received under cold chain scheme.
Jan 10, 2023

The Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI) has approved 57 proposals received against expression of interest dated June 21, 2022, under the scheme for integrated cold chain & value addition infrastructure. However only 24 proposals will be getting funds due to limited funds availability with the ministry.
According to the MoFPI in response to the EoI, the Ministry had received 73 proposals (including 1 proposal withdrawn by the applicant) on SAMPADA Portal of MoFPI. Technical Committee (TC) evaluated all the 73 proposals and recommended 57 proposals as per scheme guidelines.
The projects were approved by the PAC (Project Approval Committee) headed by the Cabinet Minister MoFPI. However, the PAC observed that the budget available with the Ministry under the scheme was not sufficient for approval of all the recommended proposals as eligible, which were found proper by PAC. Hence PAC decided that the proposals based on merit of eligible proposals for general category shall be made wherein 24 proposals were approved.
Further, it was also observed by the PAC that the eligible proposals amongst the proposals which are lower in the merit list may be considered for approval by the Ministry later on if funds become available with the Ministry under relevant budget head of the scheme while the eligibility of the proposals and decision taken in their respect do not confer any legal right to the respective applicants to claim grants-in-aid from the Ministry without the issuance of formal approval letters in respect of their individual proposals.
